Sleep-deprived parents can now feel a little less guilty about letting their babies cry during the night. Despite those initial wails, it turns out that leaving a newborn alone helps them fall asleep faster and slumber harder than any other bedtime routine, a new study suggests.
Luckily for new moms and dads, researchers wanted to test the effects of so-called "sleep training," a controversial parenting method for babies 6 months or older. Opponents claim that leaving the children alone causes "learned helplessness," or the realization that no matter how hard they cry, no one will come. On the flip side, advocates believe sleep training teaches kids self-soothing skills that'll help when they wake up throughout the night.
So scientists from an Australian university decided to end the debate by measuring the shuteye - and stress - of 43 babies. Compared to parents who didn't use the technique, the sleep-trained babies fall asleep up to 15 minutes faster, without any negative side effects. And with a newborn in the house, those precious minutes definitely add up.
The researchers also tested two common types of sleep training: graduated extinction and bedtime fading. For those who haven't read up on the latest parenting trends, graduated extinction is just a fancy phrase for "crying it out." Bedtime fading is a little newer, but it basically means that parents can stay in the room until the child dozes off.
Both techniques helped babies fall asleep more quickly, but researchers noticed that graduated extinction also helped the infants wake less during the night. So what does it all mean? Your mother was right all along - just let the baby the sleep!
[h/t CNN]
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