Wednesday, 25 May 2016

The Reason This Girl Wasn't Allowed to Walk at Graduation Will Seriously Infuriate You

McHenry High School West Campus, in McHenry, IL, is currently facing serious backlash for not allowing a student to walk in graduation because she was wearing her military uniform.

The Reason This Girl Wasn't Allowed to Walk at Graduation Will Seriously Infuriate You

Megan Howerton, a U.S. Marine, chose to wear her Dress Blues instead of the required graduation cap and gown, NBC New York reports. School officials refused to let her walk in graduation, instead making her sit in the audience. Megan wasn't even mentioned in the graduation lineup, sparking outrage and a hashtag. 

In response to the controversy, Megan's classmates returned to school the day after graduation to protest. They also plan to attend a school board meeting to try to get the school to change the policy for future students.
The school told NBC 5 News, "In some past cases, active-duty students elected to wear their gowns over top of their military uniforms, with their military hats, which was allowed. There was no communication to the administration that attire protocols would not be followed prior to the ceremony."
Megan wasn't available for comment, but she did share a Facebook post condemning the school's actions.

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